I guess it shouldn't be too surprising that I found this to be a lot of fun. Books, book-fiends, book-fanatics, and book-wacky stuff. What's not to like? I was surprised at how seriously I felt I should consider the 5 books to catalog. Not like it really matters, but I wanted to pick a really good list of 5. I had a great time pondering tags for the books.
I think this is the first topic that I'd be likely to return to on my own time. I don't really think I'd use it to catalog my books, though I can see how that would be useful and fun. But the site really provides a great portal to the community of readers and book lovers. I spent a while browsing through the various groups, and am considering joining the Librarians Who LibraryThing group, which I noticed is one of the more active groups.
I also found it to be a good reference tool. While exploring, I happened upon a good list of humorous books - something that's always a bit tricky to find (so subjective).
But I'm left with the same criticism - how do you find the time to do all this stuff???? I guess it's really a matter of how much time you want to spend on a computer. After a day at work, and after getting through my personal email at home, I just don't think I'll want to sit down with a nice cup of cocoa and browse LibraryThing. My rant for the day.
ps. the image is of an old family book that we've read for generations (2 or 3)